Bald Eagle Quartet
Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott
Great Horned Owl Perched In Tree Dusted #1
Tim Fitzharris
African Grey Parrot Psittacus Erithacus
Gerry Ellis
Red And Green Macaw Ara Chloroptera #2
Konrad Wothe
Green Jay Rio Grande Valley Texas
Tom Vezo
Northern Cardinal Female In Bittersweet
Tom Vezo
Sharp-tailed Sparrow On Reeds Long
Tom Vezo
Green Violet-ear Hummingbird
Thomas Marent
Lesser Long-tongued Fruit Bat #1
Ch'ien Lee
Northern Saw Whet Owl Perching #1
Tim Fitzharris
Common Raven Pair Perching
Michael Quinton
European Robin Erithacus Rubecula #2
Konrad Wothe
Purple-throated Carib Eulampis
Gerry Ellis
Spotted-winged Fruit Bat Balionycteris
Ch'ien Lee
Kea Nestor Notabilis Perching On Rock
Konrad Wothe
Pine Grosbeak Pinicola Enucleator Male
Michael Quinton
Blue-crowned Motmot Momotus Momota
Gerry Ellis
Red-tailed Amazon Amazona Brasiliensis
Claus Meyer
Striped Yellow-eared Bat Vampyressa
James Christensen
Western Screech Owl Perching In A Tree
Tim Fitzharris
Snowy Owl Adult Perching On A Low Stump
Tim Fitzharris
Common Raven Corvus Corax Pair Perching
Michael Quinton
Painted Bunting Passerina Ciris Male
Tom Vezo
African Grey Parrot Psittacus Erithacus #1
Gerry Ellis
Andean Cock-of-the-rock Rupicola
Pete Oxford
Baltimore Oriole Icterus Galbula Male
Tom Vezo
Honduran White Bat Ectophylla Alba
Michael & Patricia Fogden
Violet Sabre-wing Hummingbird
Michael and Patricia Fogden
Snowy Owl Adult Amid Dry Grass
Tim Fitzharris
Harpy Eagle In Kapok Tree
Pete Oxford
Red-footed Booby And Chick Galapagos
Tui De Roy
White-breasted Nuthatch Long Island
Tom Vezo
Barn Owl On Barn Window
Konrad Wothe
Blue-headed Vireo Rio Grande Valley
Tom Vezo
Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat Roosting
Sebastian Kennerknecht
Honduran White Bat Roosting Costa Rica
Konrad Wothe
Barn Swallows on Wires
Cyril Ruoso
Northern Spotted Owl Pacific Northwest
Gerry Ellis
Red And Green Macaw Ara Chloroptera
Konrad Wothe
Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensifera
Tui De Roy
Great Gray Owl Strix Nebulosa In Blonde
Michael Quinton
Versicolored Barbet Eubucco Versicolor
Pete Oxford
Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica Striata
Tom Vezo
Merlin Falco Columbarius Perching
Konrad Wothe
Long Eared Owl Perching In A Tree
Tim Fitzharris
Osprey Adult Perching On Nest Baja
Tim Fitzharris
Great Horned Owl Perched In Tree Dusted
Tim Fitzharris
Malachite Kingfisher Perching On Reeds
Tim Fitzharris
American Robin Perching In Snow Storm
Tim Fitzharris
Wood Stork Perched In Tree Everglades
Tim Fitzharris
Barn Owl Perching Among Dry Grasses
Tim Fitzharris
Mountain Bluebird Perching On Twig
Tim Fitzharris
Great Gray Owl Perching On A Snow
Tim Fitzharris
Galah Trio Perching In Tree
San Diego Zoo
Red-tailed Hawk Perching
Konrad Wothe
Galapagos Hawk Perching On Rock
Tui De Roy
Brown Pelican Perching San Carlos Mexico
Larry Minden
Pyrrhuloxia Perching
Tom Vezo
Common Raven Pair Perching #1
Michael Quinton
Lilac-breasted Roller Perching Africa
Konrad Wothe
Red-tailed Hawk Perching #1
Konrad Wothe
Lilac-breasted Roller Perching Africa
Pete Oxford
Toco Toucan Ramphastos Toco Perching
Konrad Wothe
Great Gray Owl Strix Nebulosa Perching
Michael Quinton
Golden Tanager Tangara Arthus Perched
Pete Oxford
Great Horned Owl Adult Perching In Tree
Tim Fitzharris
Marsh Wren Singing While Perching
Tim Fitzharris
Great Horned Owl Pale Form Perched
Tim Fitzharris
Marsh Wren Singing While Perching #1
Tim Fitzharris
Northern Saw Whet Owl Perching #2
Tim Fitzharris
Red And Green Macaw Perching Brazil
Pete Oxford
Fringe-lipped Bat Trachops Cirrhosus
Christian Ziegler